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Do I have to present my proposal to the Committee?

Yes. Every proposal must be presented before the Committee unless granted an exception by the Chair. These brief presentations are important and give the Committee an opportunity to ask questions about your proposal. Based on the total number of proposals received in a quarter, you may not be required to present and instead will be asked to provide written feedback to specific questions.

My proposal was denied, now what?

Check your Award Denial Letter for feedback on why your proposal was denied. Reviewing this feedback will help you determine if and how you can alter your proposal and re-apply in the future.

What is the turnaround for receiving my budget if I was awarded funding?

Congratulations on your award! Check your Award Letter for instructions on when you will receive your budget and any follow-up steps necessary. Budgets are typically created within 14 - 21 business days after you confirm your Award.

How many times can I request funding?

There is no limit to the number of times you can submit a proposal for different projects.

How much funding can I request?

There is no limit on the amount of funding you can request. For a frame of reference, the vast majority of proposals we receive are under $100,000.

Can the equipment I purchase be stored or used off-campus?

It depends. To ensure that equipment funded through the STF is protected from damage, loss, and theft as much as possible, we prefer all equipment to be stored and hosted on campus. If off-site storage or use is necessary, be sure to indicate it on your proposal or, if you have concerns, reach out to us.

Will I be reminded to submit my annual report each year?

Yes. You will receive a reminder at least 30 days before the annual report is due.

Can I make purchases before my budget is created and then transfer expenses later?

No. You must make all purchases through your provided STF budget number. Reimbursements and expense transfers are not permitted.

Do I have to submit annual reports?

Yes. Every project awarded funding is required to submit annual reports for at least two years or more depending on the terms of your award. You will receive a notification each year to submit your annual report using a simple form. Annual reports help keep the STF Committee and the UW community informed about the progress and impact of your project and give you an opportunity to share your challenges and successes with us.

What are endorsements and how should I get them?

Every proposal submitted to the STF is made public for UW community members to review and, if they like the project, endorse it by voting or leaving a comment. Endorsements help the Committee better understand the impact that the project will have on the UW community and help you demonstrate the wideness of your project's appeal. You can solicit endorsements by sharing the public link to your proposal or directing people to our website.

What is Submittable and how do I use it?

Submittable is an online grant management service that the STF uses to process all STF proposals. Once you log in with your UW NetID, you'll be able to access previous proposals, create new proposals, and manage your current awards all in one easy-to-use portal. If you haven't used Submittable before, check out a brief user guide here:

My RSO is not affiliated with a department, can I still apply?

No. RSOs must have a department advisor or affiliation. The STF cannot unfortunately assist RSOs in seeking departmental affiliation.

I was awarded funding, how do I access it?

Congratulations on your award! Check your Award Letter for instructions on how to access your funds. All awards are distributed through the UW budget system and require a UW staff member to use.

Who can apply for funding?

All University of Washington – Seattle departments and RSOs with departmental affiliation are eligible to apply for STF funding.

How much is the fee?

Historically, the Student Technology Fee is $38 per quarter per student and listed on your tuition statement. For the 2022 – 2023 academic year, the fee has been set to $0 to allow for a strategic reduction in the reserve balance.

How do I apply for funding?

The proposal process is three simple steps: Write, Review, Spend. Read more about the process in detail at

Can I amend my award after it was approved?

Yes. You may request an extension to your budget deadline, an increase in overall funding, or additional funds for line items not included in your original award. Amendments can be requested by following the instructions on your Award Letter. Amendments which alter the scope or intent of your original proposal will not be accepted; instead, we invite you to submit a new proposal.

Who reviews and approves proposals?

Proposals are first screened for eligibility and compliance by STF staff members. Screened proposals are then reviewed and voted on by the STF Committee.

Get in Touch


Learn about the Student Technology Fee and the proposal process by attending a Workshop led by our staff and receive 1:1 support with your proposal.


Contact Us

Phone: 206-543-2975
Office: Husky Union Building 305B

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