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Laptop Cart to house STF laptops for students

Undergraduate Academic Affairs-Robinson Center for Young Scholars








We are seeking funding to purchase a laptop cart to house and charge the laptops we purchased with out STF funds last year. The laptops are a huge support for our students and we need them to be able to access them fully charged. We would also be able to better monitor checked out computers.


Student Publications Block

Student Publications








Student Publications exists to keep students and the broader UW community informed through a variety of student-centric voices and multiple platforms; and to provide opportunities to students to gain communication, business and other skills. We were founded in 1891. What started as Pacific Wave — which is now The Daily — has grown. The Daily includes periodic print newspapers and special publications,, podcasts, video, a 2-3 times per week newsletter, and social media. Student Publications also encompasses HUA Voice, a Chinese-language media group; Husky Media Group, which publishes guides, maps and other products; and @smirkuw. In all, between 350 and 400 students per year are involved in some aspect of our programs. The cost of some of our platforms has increased, in some cases, dramatically. We regularly hit an upcharge for our Mail Chimp subscription because our list has increased. As we add features to, those charges increase, too. Our website host also charges us for extra bandwidth. In addition, our students want to access licensed music and other effects that cost money. These get included in videos and podcasts. Our block grant has increased for several years. The current amount is insufficient to pay for platform/software needs, plus equipment. The increase will allow us to upgrade computers on a regular basis. Apple's M2 chip is a game changer, allowing us to buy Mac Minis for nearly everything, instead of the more-expensive iMacs. For security reasons, we'd prefer to keep everyone within a narrower range of operating systems.


SORC Large Format Printer Proposal

Resource Center








Our proposal asks for funding to purchase a new large format printer that will solve our large format printing issue. Our current large format printer is at least 6 years old and has had numerous repairs in past months.


UW Formula Motorsports Driverless

UW Formula Motorsports








As a new developing driverless team on the UW Formula Motorsports team we are often tasked with purchasing new equipment to complete our goal of developing an autonomous electric formula racing one car. This often requires heavy computing as developing a driverless car is no easy task and needs to be responsive in real time as fast as possible to ensure the upmost safety of our students and vehicle. This leads us to a required purchase from FSAE to compete which is the Remote Emergency Shutdown unit. This unit is purchased from Germany and is $1900 euros + VAT and shipping. On top of that we need a PC to handle all the heavy computing that is done which was quoted roughly $1900 from Neousys, a Jetson for computer vision computing which is $1999 prior to tax and shipping and drivers to control our braking and acceleration which is another $500. On top of that we are constantly buying smaller hardware pieces including microcontrollers, circuit boards, transceivers, etc which equate to hundreds of dollars throughout the year. With the use of these expensive devices our students gain valuable skills that will transfer to real world careers and are insured safety as well.


Student Web Publishing









This proposal seeks funds to cover costs associated with the Student Web Publishing service for the next three years. The Student Web Publishing service provides students on all three campuses with the capability to publish course work, create web sites, and collaborate on research and other projects on the web. Each student on all three campuses receives 1GB of disk space for their site.


Computer Technology to Support Advising & Orientation

First Year Program - Undergraduate Academic Affairs








We are seeking funding to replace an aging fleet of laptops used by student leaders during the summer and current students in the academic year to deliver virtual programming to approximately 9,200 first-year students during Advising & Orientation and throughout the academic year. We currently have 62 laptops available for students purchased in 2017-44 (36 computers) and 2019-42 (26 computers) via STF funds; as these devices near the end of their valid lifetimes, they are gradually becoming less reliable. In order to ensure that Orientation Leaders and other students are able to effectively facilitate orientation programming (Zoom connection groups, virtual presentations, etc.), First Year Programs seeks to replace an underperforming fleet of devices with replacement laptops able to handle the demands posed on them by circumstances of use. The XPS 13 with 4 year service contract will allow us to have trouble-free reliable computing resource for our programs for a minimum of 4 and lasting up to 6 years.


Student Veteran Life Tech Modernization & Development

Office of Student Veteran Life (OSVL/SVL)








At present, we are continuing to face challenges with outdated windows desktops. Although they are able to do simplistic task with web browsers and Microsoft Office, they are not meeting the needs of students when it comes to high-end computation software, 3-D modeling software, indoor recreation requirements (streaming, designing artwork, editing videos), and additionally, they are far too outdated. Secondly, with the alteration of Husky ID cards on the horizon, the previously funded student sign-in app development needs to be continued. This will primarily focus on altering the code to be able to utilize an RFID reader, as this is what Husky Cards are moving towards (no more barcode). We would rather be ready to implement this before the change is entirely made instead of racing to meet this requirement later on. In this proposal, we request the funds to hire a student worker who previously designed the original application as well as an RFID reader that is recommended by UW IT. Third, we need to upgrade the monitors for the Microsoft PCs we are hoping to have funded as the current monitors are lackluster and unable to track some of the higher-end programs (missing frames due to refresh rate, lower resolutions, etc.). Lastly, we are seeking funding to update our Surface Pros, which have become quite outdated in the last 5 years. We are hoping to replace the two we have with two new Surface Pro 9s that will be utilized in the office for students.


Accessible motorized tables for D Center visitors

D Center








There are many motorized/electric desks available for order, however they all have rectangular design with wide legs which limits the desk to one user only. After a rigorous research, the best option is to customize our own tables by ordering electric table bases, then attaching table tops and caster wheels to the table bases. The electric table bases can be raised and lowered anywhere between 23.1" and 48.6" through an user-friendly keypad. The table bases have 96 months warranty to ensure it maintains its highest quality and functionality.


Get in Touch


Learn about the Student Technology Fee and the proposal process by attending a Workshop led by our staff and receive 1:1 support with your proposal.


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Phone: 206-543-2975
Office: Husky Union Building 305B

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