UDRIVE - campus-wide student personal storage
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology
This proposal continues the wildly successful UDrive. U Drive is a university wide storage service that provides 50 GBs of non-sync based, mappable, UWNETID Single-sign-on based storage. Students can access it from any university or personal owned machine on campus via SMB/CIFS and via off campus over SFTP or the HuskyOnNet VPN. UW-IT Service page is here: https://itconnect.uw.edu/wares/online-storage/u-drive-central-file-storage-for-users/ It is notable that UW-IT has committed to further invest in the technology behind the U-Drive service - there is going to be a conversation throughout 2019 to define "UDrive 2.0" and gather requirements from campus IT units to develop a modern replacement for the UDRIVE service. It is anticipated that UDRIVE 2.0 will roll out in summer 2019. Note that this service modernization effort will not change the UDrive cost - the rate will remain as advertised.