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STLP Equipment Renewal - Winter 2021

UW Finance and Administration








As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the inventory of laptop computers maintained by the Student Technology Loan Program (STLP) has experienced a surge in utilization by students. The program completely depleted its inventory of these devices during autumn quarter and is on track to do so again during winter quarter. This is despite heavy investment in both laptop and tablet computers utilizing the program's yearly block funding as well as a supplemental funding request approved in late spring 2020. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the program has procured a total of 304 laptop and 200 tablet computers. With the majority of the program's FY21 block funding already spent, the remaining balance is insufficient to conduct further mass replacement efforts. The program is proud to be in a position to lend technology items to so many students during this critical time; however, the experience continues to make real a frequent need to make bulk updates to the program's computing inventory. The program anticipates its inventory of laptop devices will remain under strain for at least the remainder of the academic year.

Get in Touch


Learn about the Student Technology Fee and the proposal process by attending a Workshop led by our staff and receive 1:1 support with your proposal.


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Phone: 206-543-2975
Office: Husky Union Building 305B

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