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BLOCK Funding update for Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology

Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology




Partially Funded




The Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology has a 20 year relationship with the Techfee committee that has enabled us to acquire, maintain, and upgrade storage, servers, high speed networking, and software to provide a wide variety of services to UW students. Over 1500 UW students are using our system on regular basis and we've enrolled over 8000 students in our service in the past 10 years. With UW STF support in partnership with CSDE, Arts and Sciences, and the NIH, students get near instant access to some of the very the best available computing services for their 24/7/365 remote use We've historically been awarded about $250K of support from the techfee. We initiated our first block 2 years ago and, though a no-fault misunderstanding, we locked our funding at a much lower level than we've historically needed to run the service. We hope to correct this error in our block funding, or at least fund a catch-up proposal this Spring 2022

Get in Touch


Learn about the Student Technology Fee and the proposal process by attending a Workshop led by our staff and receive 1:1 support with your proposal.


Contact Us

Phone: 206-543-2975
Office: Husky Union Building 305B

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