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Letterpress and Moveable Type

School of Art + Art History + Design








Students and faculty within and outside of the School of Art + Art History + Design conducting research on printed text and type have access to a scavenged flatbed letterpress. This printing press allows trained users to hand-set moveable wood type via pressure, letter forms, ink, and paper. Throughout the Fall/Winter quarters 2022/23, students and faculty from Art, Design, Political Science, and other programs have accessed this press to create posters, publications, and artwork on paper that explores text using old technology driven by current ideas. Use and interest of the flatbed press has been 100% student driven and is overseen by the Instructional Technician in Printmaking. The current library of letters, numbers, and other printing forms which exist in this collection are three (incomplete) sets of wood type. Although usable, the lack of quantity and variety of type limits what is possible with this medium. In addition, access to newer and more lightweight flatbed presses would allow for more printing stations as well as the ability to travel with the press(es) for greater collaboration. Here we apply for funding to purchase five 9”x 18” Provisional Presses as well as eight full sets of wood type and printing peripherals to be able to support students and faculty in the School of Art + Art History and Design programs as well as other programs in the University community who use text in their research.


Trained users are required to sign up for a time slot to work for up to one week on one of the presses. Sign up is done via the Access Agreement Form and is scheduled by the Instructional Technician on a paper calendar that hangs near the equipment.

Get in Touch


Learn about the Student Technology Fee and the proposal process by attending a Workshop led by our staff and receive 1:1 support with your proposal.


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Phone: 206-543-2975
Office: Husky Union Building 305B

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