Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology
CSDE is a community of faculty and students associated to advance population science through research and training. As a federally funded research center with over 70 years of experience, the CSDE community of scholars develops new demographic measures and methods, advances knowledge about population dynamics, generates new data and evidence to support population science, and trains the next generation of demographers. CSDE is funded through internal commitments from UW and its portfolio of research, training, and infrastructure grants. In recent years, CSDE’s UW affiliates typically held over 70 external research grants, more than half of which are from NIH or NSF. CSDE receives institutional matching funds from UW for its mission, including generous support from the College of Arts & Sciences along with support from the Vice Provost for Research, School of Public Health, School of Nursing, and School of Social Work.