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Dynamic, customized, integrative web platform to support students' career-readiness (renewal, block)

Career & Internship Center








Eighty-four percent of incoming freshmen across the country indicate that “being able to get a better job” is “very important” in their decision to go to college. Preparing UW Seattle’s 49,522 students to be career-ready is an important and substantial undertaking. To ensure that students of different backgrounds, academic interests, and learning styles have equitable access to career preparation, critical resources should be provided in a variety of media and available online 24/7. In this proposal, we’re asking the Student Tech Fee Committee to renew the funding provided the past two years so we can continue providing access to a dynamic, customized career development web platform ( that integrates information from academics, co-curriculars, alumni, employers, and labor market specialists. Objectives: 1) Provide students with 24/7 access to numerous high-quality web-based career resources (blogs, videos, recorded webinars, industry guides, etc.) 2) Use a platform designed by experts specifically for the career needs of UW students, allowing for tailored content based on stage of career development, career interest, and identity/affiliation 3) Highlight the online career tools we invest in by integrating them into relevant webpages, thus increasing engagement with the tools. 4) Utilize automation opportunities to ensure timely posting of fresh content and comprehensive access to features. 5) Support holistic student development by integrating career prep information with information on relevant UW courses and co-curricular opportunities; career outcomes of recent Husky graduates; profiles and advice of UW alumni; profiles and tips from employers who hire Huskies; and dynamic accurate labor market data.


Get in Touch


Learn about the Student Technology Fee and the proposal process by attending a Workshop led by our staff and receive 1:1 support with your proposal.


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Phone: 206-543-2975
Office: Husky Union Building 305B

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