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UW Formula Motorsports Driverless

UW Formula Motorsports








As a new developing driverless team on the UW Formula Motorsports team we are often tasked with purchasing new equipment to complete our goal of developing an autonomous electric formula racing one car. This often requires heavy computing as developing a driverless car is no easy task and needs to be responsive in real time as fast as possible to ensure the upmost safety of our students and vehicle. This leads us to a required purchase from FSAE to compete which is the Remote Emergency Shutdown unit. This unit is purchased from Germany and is $1900 euros + VAT and shipping. On top of that we need a PC to handle all the heavy computing that is done which was quoted roughly $1900 from Neousys, a Jetson for computer vision computing which is $1999 prior to tax and shipping and drivers to control our braking and acceleration which is another $500. On top of that we are constantly buying smaller hardware pieces including microcontrollers, circuit boards, transceivers, etc which equate to hundreds of dollars throughout the year. With the use of these expensive devices our students gain valuable skills that will transfer to real world careers and are insured safety as well.


Get in Touch


Learn about the Student Technology Fee and the proposal process by attending a Workshop led by our staff and receive 1:1 support with your proposal.


Contact Us

Phone: 206-543-2975
Office: Husky Union Building 305B

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